Metropolitan Houston Chapter

Chevron Retirees Association

MHC Free Lunch Program

The MHC Free Lunch Program was initially adopted several years ago to encourage members to invite nonmember
Chevron and Gulf retirees residing in the metropolitan Houston area to attend MHC luncheons and
hopefully become members of the Chapter.

Under this program, a member who is accompanied by an invited non-member retiree to a MHC luncheon has
been offered a MHC Free Lunch Certificate, which is then filled out by the member and validated by a MHC officer
or Board member. Upon presenting the validated certificate at a future luncheon, that member is provided a free
lunch at that luncheon.

Recent enhancements to the program now encourage members to invite not only non-member
retirees but also non-member surviving spouses of Chevron or Gulf retirees who may live in the same
geographic zip code of the member. To assist in transportation to luncheons, carpooling is also being
encouraged where possible.

Moreover, participating members are allowed to use their certificates at any future MHC luncheon
attended within the following 12 month period after receipt – previously restricted to the next luncheon
after receipt. Members are limited however to receiving one certificate per luncheon regardless of the
number of non-member Chevron and/or Gulf retirees or surviving spouses that member invites to a
particular luncheon.

Contact information on non-member retirees and/or surviving spouses residing in the metropolitan Houston area
can be obtained from either George Triebel or Bill Dodge who can be reached either by email correspondence or
their home phone as shown in the online or hardcopy MHC Membership Directory.